Jam Petrochemical Complex are likely to go on the maintenance overhaul from mid-October
Authorized sources announced that the Jam Petrochemical Complex, one of the largest petrochemical complex in Iran, is going to an overhaul maintenance according to the planned schedule of mid-October.

Jam Petrochemical has announced that they had stocked raw materials to meet the domestic market needs during overhaul.

According to Wikiplast reports, Jam Petrochemical Complex produce various grades of polyethylene and polypropylene in Iran, and the major part of ethylene, butadiene and n-butane of the country. It also produces feeds for  AryaSasol, Borzouyeh and Mehr Petrochemical complexes.

Jam produces about two million and five hundred thousand tons of chemical and polymeric products, most of which are shipped in the form of feed to other petrochemical complex, and it is also considered to be the Iran's largest exporter of petrochemical products.

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